
数十年的研究表明,增加父母的参与会导致学生在广泛的领域取得更高的成绩,包括大学准备、更高的自尊、更高的考试成绩和整体儿童福祉。 家长参与是指家长参与涉及学生学术学习和其他学校活动的定期、双向和有意义的沟通,包括确保:
在 Thomson,我们制定了家长参与政策,阐明了我们对家长、学生和学校的总体期望。 该政策和附带的契约确保学校和家庭为所有儿童的利益而共同努力。
我们希望所有家长都考虑加入我们的家长教师协会 (PTA) ,以了解更多关于我们学校的信息并找到支持我们社区的方法。
Bing 奖励:捐赠您的 Bing 奖励积分以帮助 Thomson 获得免费的 Surface 平板电脑( Thomson 的 Bing 网站)。
捐赠者的选择:捐赠者的选择是一种全国公认的公众支持课堂项目的方式。退房 汤姆森教师运动!
亚马逊愿望清单: 购买一种或多种必需的用品来帮助支持学校(亚马逊愿望清单)。
在我们学校的Tiger Store购买 Thomson 赃物!
如果您有其他才能可以提供并希望帮助您孩子的教育有所改变,请联系 Crystal Overstreet 女士,地址为 水晶.overstreet@k12.dc.gov 。
Corporate Matching
The PTO is a recognized 501C3 non-profit on the Benevity platform, used to match donations by many corporations. If your employer uses a different platform please request to add the Thomson PTO using EIN 93-1476188 and DCThomsonPTO@gmail.com.
Check out our teachers' current fundraising campaigns on DonorsChoose.org. Previously funded campaigns have supported building materials for our pre-schoolers, risers for our choir, new classroom library books, kid magazine subscriptions, and more. Thank you so much for your support!
Where do donations to the PTO go?
The money the PTO raises can be used to support school events, teacher and staff appreciation events or gifts, school supplies for students, other support for teachers, and more. The PTO executive board and general membership work together to develop a budget for the coming year and to determine how the money is spent.
Click here to learn more about this process, and about how last year’s funds were used.
今年有很多新机会参与 Thomson!请在此处查看当前的职位空缺和想法:
Who is on the board of the PTO?
All parents, guardians, and caretakers of Thomson students and all Thomson staff members are automatically voting members of the PTO - there’s no fees or dues required! Thomson students are non-voting members of the PTO.
Any member of the PTO can run for a position with the executive board. Board elections take place in April of each year.
The officers for the 2024-25 school year are:
President: Eliot Folsom
Fundraising Lead: Alyson Klein
Treasurer: Adam Schneider
Communications Lead: Hannah Putman
Staff Liaison: Kathy Marcus
Use the contact form above to contact any officers
Read the PTO bylaws, the organization’s governing document, here.
Thank you to our sponsors!
We greatly appreciate all the companies and community organizations supporting our school!